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PLEASE NOTE Zombie Cookin’ is free to play, but charges real money for additional in-app content. You may lock out the ability to purchase in-app content by adjusting your device’s settings.
Additional Note Zombie Cookin’ requires an iPhone 3GS, iPod Third Generation, iPad or later device to run.
A dash of kitchen simulation, a smattering of social elements and a heaping spoonful of Zombies. Play as a Zombie Chef and cook Zombie Food, prepare ingredients and put them in the stove or oven for just the right amount of time.
While Zombie Cookin’ is free to play, players can accelerate gameplay or acquire unique items by purchasing “Bones,” the game’s in app premium currency
- Master more than 50 recipes
- Send your zombie hoard out to discover macabre, unusual and downright disgusting ingredients.
- 18 finger cleaving, brain scooping mini games.
- Decorate and increase the efficiency of your kitchen with better stoves, windows, floor coverings and more.
iOS will keep you logged on for 15 minutes after an initial in-app purchase. Additional purchases won’t require a re-entry of the password during this 15 minute interval. This is a function of the iOS software and not within our control.
Players having trouble getting into their game after an update should reset their device. Hold the power button and follow the instructions on screen. If you have any further trouble, contact support@beeline-i.com for help.
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PLEASE NOTE Zombie Cookin’ is free to play, but charges real money for additional in-app content. You may lock out the ability to purchase in-app content by adjusting your device’s settings.
Additional Note Zombie Cookin’ requires an iPhone 3GS, iPod Third Generation, iPad or later device to run.
A dash of kitchen simulation, a smattering of social elements and a heaping spoonful of Zombies. Play as a Zombie Chef and cook Zombie Food, prepare ingredients and put them in the stove or oven for just the right amount of time.
While Zombie Cookin’ is free to play, players can accelerate gameplay or acquire unique items by purchasing “Bones,” the game’s in app premium currency
- Master more than 50 recipes
- Send your zombie hoard out to discover macabre, unusual and downright disgusting ingredients.
- 18 finger cleaving, brain scooping mini games.
- Decorate and increase the efficiency of your kitchen with better stoves, windows, floor coverings and more.
iOS will keep you logged on for 15 minutes after an initial in-app purchase. Additional purchases won’t require a re-entry of the password during this 15 minute interval. This is a function of the iOS software and not within our control.
Players having trouble getting into their game after an update should reset their device. Hold the power button and follow the instructions on screen. If you have any further trouble, contact support@beeline-i.com for help.
Follow us on Twitter www.twitter.com/BeelineGames
Follow us on Facebook www.facebook.com/BeelineGames
Follow us on Youtube www.youtube.com/BeelineGames
发表评论共有 2 条游戏评论
- 苍天7441 2016-03-20 16:05
升级就是一直做菜吗?我才一级 好累啊
- 般若之舟 2016-06-08 08:45
谁知道怎么赚骨头么为什么我用钱买不了啊 还是我英文差的缘故