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尊敬的商家:“溫哥華黃頁” ,大溫地區唯一的中文信息及廣告推廣手機平臺! 大溫地區,北美,及全世界華人都能通過手機和移動設備(iphone/ipad & Android) 來查看貴公司的產品和服務,商鋪位置,電話,和網址,並可以即時與你聯系,幫助你擴廣市場和幫助你帶來更多的新移民,外地遊客等新客戶,助你生意一臂之力!溫哥華黃頁功能如下:”即時通電” – 客戶查詢到貴公司的電話號碼後,無需另外記錄,點擊撥號鍵就可以撥打貴公司的電話,即時聯系!!”商戶位置確定” – 客戶查詢到貴公司地址後,點擊”商戶位置確定”查詢鍵就可以在電子地圖上清楚看到貴公司所在位置及行程路線。客戶就很容易,方便地找到貴公司.“網址一點通” – 點擊貴公司的網址,系統會轉到遊覽器並顯示貴公司的網站。“商家最新信息” – VIP商戶可以發布最新或者最想讓客戶知道的商業信息(文字和圖片)。比較傳統的印刷廣告,通過“商家最新信息” ,VIP商戶可以即時發布商業信息,客戶可以即時閱覽信息。在黃金商業時間上更勝一籌!還等什麽呢?和其它幾萬名商戶一樣,馬上就到蘋果或谷歌程序店免費下載試用吧!關鍵詞為“溫哥華黃頁”!Vancouver Smart Pages, the only Chinese mobile informational advertising service provider in Greater Vancouver, helps your business to grow!"Instant Call" – Customers call your number just one button away,no more saved business phone book!"Location OK" – Customers clearly view your business location on digital Map and the route to your place!"Website Made Easy" – Customers can broswe your website right away just one finger touch!"Information Instant Update" - Unlike the traditional printing advertisement, through Vancouver Smart Pages, the VIP merchants can instantly release information and customers will view the information right away, superior in the prime commercial time! Now, Download the FREE “溫哥華黃頁”(Vancouver Smart Pages) from Apple AppStore and Google Play and have a test drive!
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