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Welcome to DesignersXchangeWe buy and sell authentic/genuine second-hand designer/branded bags (used or unused) handbags, shoes & accessories of top leading fashion brand houses/designers LOUIS VUITTON, CHANEL, HERMES, BALENCIAGA, BOTTEGA VENETA, GUCCI, FENDI, CHRISTIAN DIOR, PRADA, MIU MIU, YSL, BURBERRY,COACH and more..We also help to source for the genuine (authentic) branded designer bags that are out of stock in the boutiques currently, has been discontinued in production or are collectible items. At Designers Exchange, we have the expertise to verify and to bring in only authentic branded designer bags & accessories at discounted price compares to the brand houses. This way, you can buy with peace of mind and with great confidence. You can save more when you make multiple purchases. You can enjoy greater discounted prices when more than one item is bought from us. Just give us a ring or email us.
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