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爱人照片小插件(I Love You Widget)


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爱人照片小插件(I Love You Widget)

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方便简单的小软件,能够允许用户在桌面上设置双方的照片。在点击照片时,就会自动拨打爱人的电话。简单美观又方便。 赶快下载它秀出你们的恩爱吧。 I Love You Widget, the widget which show your beloved in beautiful ways. (This app is first published on 02/10/2012) I. Introduction to I Love You Widget I Love You Widget is an widget Android app which can add beautiful widgets, which contain names and photos of your beloved people (or even anything you love), into your Android device's Home Screen. With many built-in pretty styles and modifying options, you can easily change the way the widget looks to make it unique to yourself and your beloved. I Love You Widget can be used to remind you about your beloved every time you open your Android device. By adding this widget, you also express your love to your beloved more and more. Whoever (or whichever) you love can always be added into these widgets. Install I Love You Widget now, add it, and express yourself on the phone and feel the love... You can change almost any elements on the widget: color of text, background color, pictures, middle icons... Change it the way you love. :) II. I Love You Widget's Features Summary - Easily changing many different style options (colors style images) to mix up and make unique widget styles. - Be a multi-purpose widget. Can be used for lovers, family members, pets, foods, things. See tips for widget (at the end of this text) to learn more about this. - Support adding (with zoom and crop functions) photos from Gallery to use on widget. - Support adding text (names and widget title) on widget. - Support Text Mode which do not require any photo. - Support preset themes for setting styles quickly. - Autosave for quickly configuration in the next time. - Add multiple different widgets onto your screen for different needs. - Allow to show analog clock on the widget. III. Tips for Using I Love You Widget Don't misunderstand the name of this widget app because you can use I Love You Widget for many purpose. The phrase "I Love You" is not only meaningful for lovers, but it is very meaningful for other cases. That is why you can also use this widget for other purposes too. This widget is for love couple, married people, family members, friends, pets, hobbies, you and anything that you like or love. The way to use this widget could be very flexible. Have a look at the screenshots for example. IV. FAQ Why is there a request for internet connection and telephone from this app? The internet permission is required to display some ads in the app, and the telephone permission is for using the feature called "Quick Call" in this app. "Quick Call" can help you make call to your beloved when you touch in the middle of the app. Do you add some other styles in the later release? Sure, I will. I will put more extra styles for the later version. More and more improvement.



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