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Dealing After Breakup


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Dealing After Breakup

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Breakups are the most unwanted and traumatic incidents from which we have to go through. Despite many efforts which we make to safe our relationship every move that we take becomes the reason for our ex to move away. No sorry, no guarantee, no promise works and finally with tears in the eyes and regrets in heart one has to say good bye. It’s alright- it happens. Falling in love is easy and I understand that it’s the one of the first mistakes that you commit while stepping into adulthood.Now it’s time to move on. Surely, your breakup with your ex is not the end of the world. This book is written from the bottom of my heart to help all of you who again become love-birds in their lives. I hope if you noted down my suggestions you will have a better life both material and spiritual wise. Psychologists are of the view that we perceive ourselves 30% more beautiful, handsome and smart. Bear this in mind. Don’t assume thinks quickly. Don’t over-rate yourself because you are only preparing yourself to go on a suicidal mission. Let’s suppose there is a girl who works with you in office. She is cooperative, understanding and always smiles when you take her name. You played some fool tricks to do a litmus test to know whether she is in love with you or not. She is determined in her heart that no matter comes what she will not disrupt her official environment and don’t show anger or shout out at you. That really doesn’t mean that she is in love with you. It happens that at one side there is no love and on the other side there is overwhelming love. There is a saying in Sindhi language “ Adi khe jann na kan ado ishq me andho” in English “ She thinks him as a brother while he is dying for her as a lover”. The point which I want to make here is that never assume things by yourself. Be close to the reality and assess your relationship status on practical grounds. Once you are sure that it’s really a love–love relationship then and only then indulge yourself as a true partner of her of him. Self assuming things about your lover are a dangerous pit-hole. You assume that your particular action will make her / him happy. However, the actual effect of your action, that you had taken out of love, proves to be hurting to your partner. The other main reason of break-up is the difference in values. Something, which in your mindset is perfectly alright may be forbidden for your lover. For example for your drinking wine is perfectly alright but for your partner it’s not acceptable. Don’t force here where your partner show resistance. One thing which can neutralize all the differences and misunderstandings is that you should be respectful towards your partners / lover. When your partner/ lover will believe that you are respectful towards him / her you partner will surely be more open and will consider you as trustworthy. This will also force your partner to forgive you at times. It’s only love that you have to give first and then expect it to return. Your every act no matter big or small should convince your lover that you are in love. Don’t neglect small things to do. For example, every morning send a ‘Good Morning?’ message. In same manner, make sure that your partner sleeps after reading you’re ‘Good night’ message. Also be mindful about your partner’s routine. Don’t interrupt or be the reason of your partner’s being late at work or missing any event which is meaningful for him / her. So to avert such situation, always be in the know about your partner’s routine. Your being in his / her life should be the reason of happiness. Don’t be a liability on your partner. If not today then tomorrow your partner will be forced to think to bid you final Good bye.



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