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AirCasting is a platform for recording, mapping, and sharing health and environmental data using your smartphone. Each AirCasting session lets you capture real-world measurements, annotate the data to tell your story, and share it via the CrowdMap.Using the AirCasting Android app, AirCasters can record, map, and share:(o) Sound levels recorded by their phone microphone;(o) Temperature, humidity, CO and NO2 gas concentrations recorded by the Arduino-powered AirCasting Air Monitor;(o) Heart rate, heart rate variability, R to R, breathing rate, activity level, peak acceleration, and core temperature measurements recorded by the Zephyr BioHarness 3; and(o) Heart rate measurements recorded by the Zephyr HxM. Using AirCasting Luminescence, these sensor streams can also be represented using LED lights.RECORD SOUND LEVELSTo start recording, mapping, and sharing sound level data for your neighborhood, simply download the AirCasting app to your Android device and press record.MONITOR AIR QUALITYThe AirCasting Air Monitor (ACAM) is equipped with carbon monoxide (CO), nitrogen dioxide (NO2), temperature, and relative humidity sensors. The ACAM connects to the AirCasting Android app over Bluetooth. When the ACAM is connected to the AirCasting app and an AirCasting session is initiated, the app begins receiving, mapping, graphing, and enumerating the data from the ACAM sensors. Download the AirCasting Air Monitor DIY guide, http://www.habitatmap.org/habitatmap_docs/HowToBuildAnAirCastingAirMonitor.pdf, and build your own Arduino-powered air monitor.MONITOR YOUR HEART RATEConnect the Zephyr HxM heart rate monitor to the AirCasting app and measure how your heart rate responds to your activity level, location, and exposure to noise and air pollution.MONITOR YOUR HEART, BREATHING & ACTIVITYConnect the Zephyr BioHarness 3 to the AirCasting app to monitor your heart rate, heart rate variability, R to R, breathing rate, activity level, peak acceleration, and core temperature.AIRCASTING LUMINESCENCEAirCasting Luminescence uses a IOIO microcontroller connected to the AirCasting app over Bluetooth to illuminate LEDs in response to the sensor measurements received by the AirCasting app. Download the AirCasting Luminescent Apparel DIY guide, http://www.habitatmap.org/habitatmap_docs/MakeYourOwnAirCastingLuminescentApparel.pdf, to make a fashion statement with your sensor measurements.ATTN HARDWARE DEVELOPERSIt’s simple to connect your own custom-designed sense device to the AirCasting app to display and record sensormeasurements. Just do the following:(o) Download the AirCasting Arduino sketch, which controls the sensors and sends data to the app via Bluetooth,https://github.com/LunarLogicPolska/AirCastingAndroidClient/blob/master/arduino/aircasting/aircasting_tmp36.ino(o) Alter the Arduino sketch to communicate your sensor data(o) Use the AirCasting app to send your data to the AirCasting servers for display on the AirCasting website. Want to send the data to your own servers, just specify the URL in the AirCasting app settings, “Menu” > “Settings” > “Backend settings”.AIRCASTING IS OPEN SOURCEAirCasting is an open source project. You can access the code repositories for the AirCasting Android app and the AirCasting web app through GitHub.AIRCASTING IS A HABITATMAP PROJECTHabitatMap is a non-profit environmental health justice organization whose goal is to raise awareness about the impact the environment has on human health. We build tools to support grassroots environmental organizing, including HabitatMap.org - our community mapping platform - and AirCasting.



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