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1000 disease with symptoms


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1000 disease with symptoms

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The World's Top Rated Symptom Checker on Android. Thank you to all!Your Mobile Doctor’s Symptoms Checker - with content from NHS Choices on symptoms, diagnosis, prevention, treatment and self-treatment - is a quick and simple way of getting personal health advice and information on illnesses and conditions when you or your family are unwell and feeling sick or ill.Our smart symptom checker figures out what might be wrong with you. We show you information on those conditions or illnesses, along with how to avoid, manage or treat them. We even tell you when you should go see a doctor or call an ambulance."A doctor in every pocket"Your Mobile Doctor (Your MD) Symptom Checker provides personalised health advice on how to cure and treat your illness or condition, and manage your health. It’s like having a doctor (MD) travelling with you at all times.- Just speak or type how you are feeling- We give you results matching your symptoms instantly- Helps you make decisions when you or someone you care about is poorly or sick- Fast, anywhere, any time of day or nightYour.MD Symptom Checker: How it helps you1. Say or type what’s wrong with you and list your symptoms, just like you would to your own doctor2. See the most likely conditions, based on your symptoms, age and gender3. Just like a doctor, Your Mobile Doctor asks follow-up questions (up to 3 questions) to improve the accuracy of the results4. Your Mobile Doctor then provides you with more information on the conditions (up to 5 conditions or illnesses) that best match your symptoms and personal profile5. It’s simple and easy to understand and take action, thanks to clinical best practice hints and tips from NHS Choices.You can set up multiple profiles for all your family members, or go straight to our Conditions A-Z to discover more about symptoms, treatments, diagnosis, living with conditions, and personal stories on living with those diseases and illnesses.If you have any feedback on the Your.MD App, please leave a comment on the Google Play store. We can't help you with personal medical advice, but if you love the Your.MD App and we've helped you feel better - let us know! Thanks!Some commonly searched-for conditions on Your.MD Symptom CheckerAccidents to children in the homeAcid refluxAllergiesALS Motor Neurone DiseaseAlzheimer’s diseaseAnginaArthritisBack painBacterial vaginosisBipolar disorderBladder stonesBreast cancerCancerChest painConcussionDiabetesDiarrhoeaEar infectionEbola VirusEmbolismEndoscopyFeverFluGastroenteritisGenital herpesGonorrhoeaHair loss (alopecia)Head liceHeadacheHerniaHodgkin’s lymphomaHysterectomyImpotenceIndigestionJaundiceKidney infectionLaryngitisLiver cancerLumpsMeaslesMelanomaMigraineMolesNorovirusNeck painOvarian cancerPeriod painPharyngitisPilesPolypsRubeolaSciaticaShoulder painSinusitisSkin cancerSore throatStrokeTetanusThrombosisThrushUlcerVaginal dischargeWartsThis application provides useful information but is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. If you think you may have a medical emergency, immediately call your doctor or the emergency services. Before acting on any of the information in the Your.MD app, consult with your doctor to make sure that it is right for youThanks to our friends at NHS Choices for the wonderful content!



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