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I Can't Wake Up! Alarm Clock


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I Can't Wake Up! Alarm Clock

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Can't wake up? With this alarm clock you sure will get up on time, thanks to up to eight different Wake Up Tasks which won't let you turn the alarm off until you finish them! Mind or body stimulation? Or maybe having to actually leave the bed? How about practising foreign language while we are at it? This application features options that you would expect from alarm clock, like setting multiple alarms, daily repeating or snooze, plus many more, letting you set it up to your liking in almost every way possible:- Smooth Wake Up – dimmed screen, volume rising, fully customizable- Snooze Music – choose music that will play during your snooze- Awake Test – ever woke up just to turn alarm off and go back to sleep? If you fail Awake Test few minutes after finishing alarm, alarm will be started again!- many music sources – ringtones, music files (.mp3), playlists, shoutcasts or build-in extra loud noises- starting chosen application after alarm’s finish- auto turning off during phone calls Wake Up Tasks:Math – do some math equationsMemory – find pairs for each coloured tileOrder – set tiles in correct orderRepeat – repeat shown click sequenceBarcode – you have to get out of bed to scan the code placed in bathroom, kitchen or just on your table!Rewrite – carefully rewrite randomly generated textShake – shake your phone until you feel awakePairs – connect word pairs – has build in Capital-Country collection, but you can easily make your own, for example with words in different languages! You can configure every Method and test it quietly without running the alarm, to set it just the way you like. Application is available only in english------------------This free app is ad supported and displays banner ad.Ad-free paid version is available. ------------------Application was tested on a few devices with different Android versions, but errors still can occur. I am working to fix every bug reported, but I am unable to fix errors mentioned only in comments section – please use build-in Logger to report bugs – your help is really appreciated! ------------------Alarm WILL ring after device reboot! However mind, that it won't work if device is off or if you Force Close this application with any Application Manager or Battery Saver app. ------------------Used permissions:WAKE_LOCK – let’s alarm start when screen is offRECEIVE_BOOT_COMPLETED – to load alarms’ information on phone’s bootVIBRATE – for vibrationsINTERNET – for displaying adsACCESS_NETWORK_STATE - for displaying adsREAD_PHONE_STATE – to stop alarm during phone callsWRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE – for writing shoutcasts, Pairs Method and log filesMODIFY_AUDIO_SETTINGS – so alarm is able to play on max volume every timeWRITE_SETTINGS – for displaying information about next alarm on lock screenINSTALL_SHORTCUT – for one time added icon adBLUETOOTH and BLUETOOTH_ADMIN - for option to disable Bluetooth during alarmACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION - for advertisements------------------alarmclock, alarm, clock, wake me up, alarmdroid, alarm clock, snooze music, wake up methods, wake up tasks, I cant wake up, Barcode method, Awake Test 不能醒来? 有了这个闹钟,你肯定会起床时间,多亏了八个不同的唤醒了不会让你关闭警报,直到你完成的任务! 心灵或身体的刺激?或者,也许离开床?如何练外语,而我们呢? 此应用程序,你会期望从闹钟的功能选项,如设置多个报警,每日重复或打盹,再加上更多的人,让你根据自己的喜好设置它几乎在每一个可能的方式: - 平滑唤醒 - 暗淡的画面,成交量上升,完全可定制 - 贪睡功能音乐 - 选择音乐,将发挥在你贪睡 - 清醒测试 - 没有醒来刚打开报警回去睡觉?如果你失败了清醒测试几分钟整理后报警,报警将再次启动! - 许多音乐源 - 铃声,音乐文件(MP3),播放列表,的shoutcasts或建立额外的大声喧哗 - 报警完成后,开始选择的应用程序 - 自动关闭通话期间 唤醒任务:数学 - 做一些数学公式内存 - 找到对每个彩色瓷砖订单 - 集瓷砖在正确的顺序重复 - 重复点击序列条码 - 你必须下床扫描代码放置在浴室,厨房或只是你的桌子上!重写 - 仔细随机生成的文本重写摇 - 摇你的手机,直到你感觉清醒对 - 连接词对 - 建立在资本国家收集,但是你可以很容易使你自己的,例如在不同的语言文字! 您可以配置每个方法和测试它静静地不运行报警,它只是你喜欢的方式设置。 只适用于英语的应用------------------这个免费的应用程序,广告支持,并显示横幅广告。无广告的付费版本。 ------------------应用几个不同的Andr​​oid版本设备上进行了测试,但错误仍然可能发生。我的工作来解决每一个错误报告,但我无法修正错误,只提到在评论部分 - 请使用记录器报告错误 - 真的很感激你的帮助! ------------------设备重启后,警报会响!但是记住,它不会工作,如果设备处于关闭状态或如果你强行关闭应用程序与任何应用程序管理器或电池节电器的应用程序。 ------------------二手权限:WAKE_LOCK - 让我们的警报启动时屏幕是关闭RECEIVE_BOOT_COMPLETED - 加载手机的开机报警信息VIBRATE - 振动互联网 - 显示广告ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE - 显示广告READ_PHONE_STATE - 期间停止报警电话WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAG​​E - 写shoutcasts,对方法和日志文件MODIFY_AUDIO_SETTINGS - 报警器是能够发挥最大音量每次WRITE_SETTINGS - 下报警锁屏显示信息INSTALL_SHORTCUT - 一次性添加图标广告蓝牙和BLUETOOTH_ADMIN - 选项来禁用蓝牙报警时ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION - 广告------------------闹钟,闹钟,时钟,叫我起床,alarmdroid,闹钟,贪睡音乐,醒来方法,醒来的任务,我不能醒来,条形码的方法,清醒测试



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