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PocketBugz - Bugzilla Client


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PocketBugz - Bugzilla Client

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PocketBugz - Bugzilla ClientIt's not just for developers. Customers like it too.Bugs are a natural part of the product development process. What typically goes wrong in the development process is that bugs are improperly managed. Does any of this sound familiar to you?* A bug is reported and never followed-up on.* A bug with lesser priority is fixed before more important bugs.* A bug ends up on a post-it-note and gets lost.* A bug resurfaces but no one can remember what was done to fix it the first time.* A developer thought someone else was fixing that bug.* A developer can't reproduce a bug you see every time you start the software.By tracking the lifecycle of a bug, the above problems can be prevented. Tracking bugs improves communication, ensures accountability and increases productivity.Is team productivity, high quality products and happy customers important to you? Customers expect their products to perform as promised. Tracking and resolving bugs is an important process that heavily affects customer satisfaction, developer productivity and product quality.For those who are new, Bugzilla is a Web-based general-purpose bugtracker and testing tool originally developed and used by the Mozilla project, and licensed under the Mozilla Public License. A large number of companies, organizations, and projects (like NASA, Facebook, Akamai, The New York Times and Yahoo!.) use Bugzilla.PocketBugz is a Bugzilla client for Android, that lets you access your Bugzilla installation from your Android device !PocketBugz is compatible with uncustomized Bugzilla server versions 3.4 and above, without the need of any additional server configuration.The Flexibility of PocketBugz:PocketBugz is a full-featured bugzilla client that runs quickly and efficiently. The feature list is quite extensive, but here are some of the key features that make it a powerful tool.* Supports bugzilla versions from 3.4 * Can add multiple bugzilla servers.(Handy for those who are working in multiple projects or those who have multiple clients) * Regular authentication with the servers added, so that any change made with account details in web gets reflected immediately. * And also options to edit the existing server details with ease if it does not seem to match in authentication. * Options to delete the added server. * Check the server status quite often. * Will list all the bugs related to you.(ie. You can see all the bugs assigned to you, reported by you and also bugs in which your username is in CC-list). * Options to filter the bugs.(Check the type of bug in filter window and view bugs belong to those category) * Options provided to choose the bug status.(You can choose the bugs of status open, closed or both) * Create bug option provided for bugzilla versions from 4.2 * Options to search a bug with/without entering keyword depending on your bugzilla server. * Similarly, select a product and a bug status on your own in which you want to search the bugs. * View all the details of a bug.(It includes summary,product and component to which the bug belongs,version,status,creator of the bug,assigned to,severity,platform,OP-sys,creation time and much more) * Options to add comment to a bug. * Similarly, view all the comments of a bug. * Quicksearch bugs. LOT MORE TO COME IN OUR FUTURE RELEASES. ENJOY AND STAY TUNED!! Developed by : Hashprompt Softwareshttp://www.hashprompt.com



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