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ApolloWallet Password Manager


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ApolloWallet Password Manager

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Our organisation needed a secure cloud password manager to conveniently store and access all of our sensitive, private and secret data like passwords, logins, web accounts, notes and many more.That is why we have created the ApolloWallet - an ultimate password manager that ensures secrecy with all the convenience a cloud synchronisation over multiple devices through Dropbox.After testing, perfecting it and using our password storing application every day, we have decided to share our creation, for we believe that everyone has a right to privacy.Why should You choose ApolloWallet Password Manager instead of one of many "similar" applications? We tested a lot of password managers, we used them. You wouldn't believe how easy some of them are to be hacked. Do You want security or an illusion of security?For example: is Apollo Wallet Password Manager better than aWallet or Norton Identity Safe password? First: it has secure cloud synchronisation for free! Second: you'll love it ;)There are really two kinds of people: those who use ApolloWallet Password Manager and those who want all of their sensitive, secure data and passwords to be publicly available.ApolloWallet Password Managers User OR an easy target for hackers and agencies like NSA - which one do You prefer to be?ApolloWallet Password Manager empowers You to:> Conveniently and securely store Your sensitive data, like passwords, logins, accounts informations, notes and many more.> Effortlessly synchronise all of Your sensitive data throughout all of Your Android devices via Dropbox cloud. (Support for Windows is coming soon).> Feel confident that all of Your sensitive, private data is being protected by powerfull encryption algorithms and other, undisclosed for security reasons solutions that provide probably the best security You could imagine.> Conveniently copy Your passwords, logins and other data to paste it wherever You need it with just one click.> Import Your data from MoxierWallet (import from other passward manager -wannabe applications is coming soon).> Effortlessly and quickly find the entries You require.> Quickly and conveniently wipe Your stored data both from Your device and Your Dropbox should ever such need arise.> Experience new, simplistic, soothing BlueSky UI.> Feel free to mock and challenge hackers that would like to steal Your valuable data, credit cards informations or even Your identity.Should You detect any bugs please contact us through e-mail, not through comments.apollobiznes@gmail.comStandard DisclaimerYou expressly understand and agree that your use of this application is at your sole risk and that this application is provided "as is" and "as available" without warranty of any kind.Your use of this application is at your own discretion and risk and you are solely responsible for any damage to your computer system or other device or loss of data that results from such use.Creators of this application further disclaim all warranties and conditions of any kind, whether express or implied, including, but not limited to the implied warranties and conditions of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose and non-infringement.You expressly understand and agree that creators of this application, its affiliates and its licensors shall not be liable to You under any theory of liability for any direct, indirect, incidental, special consequential or exemplary damages that may be incurred by You, including but not limited to any loss of data, whether the creators of this application or their representatives have been advised of or should have been aware of the possibility of any such losses arising.All icons licencies, creators names and contacts can be found under these links:http://goo.gl/Q1JX0F



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