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Insomnia And Nightmares


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Insomnia And Nightmares

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The Personal Problem Solver’s Guide for Insomnia And Nightmares
by Edward M. Marshall, MD

We all follow our beliefs on all subjects. If you believe you can’t sleep naturally, then you won’t. If you believe that nightmares, even the same recurrent ones, are inevitable, then they will be.

This Guide lists the beliefs of those who are troubled with insomnia and/or nightmares, and then lists the beliefs of those who are not. Then the Guide goes on to show how you or anyone can adopt the beliefs that give the desired results, by using The BEST System with its four steps that are not really difficult at all.

Sleep well!

About The Author -

Edward M. Marshall, MD

Dr. Ed’s Medical and Writing Career Highlights

• Captain US Air Force Medical Corps, served as interim Chief of Medicine at Strategic Air Command HQ, Vietnam War.
• Private medical practice as Board Certified specialist in Internal Medicine.
• Chief, Medical Service at VA psychiatric hospital; treated post-traumatic stress, addictions, etc., combined with physical ailments.
• Clinical Instructor in Medicine and Assistant Clinical Professor of Psychiatry at UCLA. Taught medical students, interns, and residents.
• Treated behavioral problems, including obesity, smoking, alcoholism, narcotic addiction, relationship problems, violence.

Dr. Ed’s Career Empowering People to Solve Their Personal Problems

Weight control Besides holding sessions with cruise passengers on the QEII to let them know how to go on cruises, enjoy the great food, and not gain any weight, Dr. Ed has helped hundreds of patients lose thousands of pounds in his medical practice. A few patients lost about 100 pounds each – no surgery. Houghton Mifflin, the major publisher, published his book “The Marshall Plan for Lifelong Weight Control”, available on Amazon.

People with high blood pressure and diabetes were able to lose weight and have normal blood pressure and normal blood sugar levels with NO more pills needed.

Smoking Besides that New York editor who stopped smoking by the time she had finished editing Dr. Ed’s chapter on stopping smoking, he has helped dozens of patients to stop smoking, including while he worked on the clinical trials of an anti-smoking medication by Pfizer, later approved by the FDA.

Drugs Working in Methadone Clinics, Dr. Ed was able to help narcotic addicts adopt the belief that they no longer needed narcotics, and the belief that they were able to express negative feelings to ease tensions and pressures without narcotics. These patients then weaned themselves off Methadone. They could do this because they had adopted the beliefs held by those who do not use narcotics and who have no use for them.

You get the idea about Dr. Ed. Now you can get his written Guides so you can help yourself the way so many others have.

Contact To inquire regarding, or to request speaking engagements, radio and TV interviews, journalist interviews, and copies of Dr. Eds books for book reviews, kindly email your inquiries to GetPeace@ThePeacePrescription.com or EdMarshall@ThePeacePrescription.com. Or, contact Dr. Ed directly at (310) 528-4392. See order page to order books.

For an author bio and photo, reviews and a reading sample, visit ThePeacePrescription.com

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