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Now with rig control! See http//pignology.net/pigtail

HamLog is an amateur radio logging and tools application. It is meant for use when operating portable from the field or mobile (drive safe!). It does a lot more than just logging, see the list below. HamLog supports iPhone, iPod Touch and iPad.

* Contact Logging and search
* Rig control via the Pigtail device from Pignology
* Create A Log - Custom Log
* QRZ XML Integration for QRZ Subscribers
* HamQTH XML Integration
* Export via email as ADIF, CSV, or eQSL.cc
* Import ADIF
* Automatic name/QTH resolution based on callsign (either QRZ XML, HamQTH (free), or Pignology DB (free))
* Independent callsign look up tool
* QRZ XML Subscriber Support
* CloudSynch Synch your contacts to the web and other iOS/Mac devices. See http//hamlog.it for more information.
* Voice Macros record yourself and play to VOX
* HamStack Control interface see http//hamstack.com for more information.
* QSO Recording
* Great Circle Maps
* Q signal list
* IARU Prefixes List
* DXCC Entities List
* US Band Plan
* International Band Plans
* QRZ Look Up via Web
* Weather Forecasting
* Dupe Finder
* Latest DX Spots from DX Summit
* ADIF Export, both full and time range
* CSV Export
* Grid Square tool using GPS
* Manual Grid Square Calculator given lat/long
* Bearing (and long path) calculation given two grid squares,
* WWV Propagation report
* Contest Calendar
* DXpedition Calendar
* Wavelength Calculator
* UTC Clock
* ITU Phonetic Alphabet
* CW Helper plays single character upon selection
* Temperature Converter
* RST Explained info
* PSKReporter.info search and map display
* DX Cluster - real time telnet access
* Grid to map - enter gridsquare and it will display it on a map
* Solar Data from N0NBH (www.hamqsl.com/solar)
* DTMF Tone Generator
* Net Lists and notifications
* Part 97 - Full Text
* Field Day Logging
* iTunes File Sharing - For data backup and ADIF import - Drop somelogfile.adi into the file sharing pane and press Tools - Import ADIF. somelogfile.adi should be lowercase until I get an update to recognize uppercase filenames.
* Landscape and Portrait on the iPad

*** I try to implement just about every request I receive and fix just about every complaint I receive or see in the reviews. If you leave a complaint in a review please leave your callsign so I can get in touch with you to fix your problem, or email me directly. I cannot reply to reviews.

Please NOTE This application is not meant to replace a more formal method of logging such as a computer based logging application or the classic paper method. It is more for quick logging while portable or mobile. Personally, I transfer all contacts to paper after coming back from field QRP fun.

Regarding IMPORTING As of December 8, 2010, HamLog support importing ADIF files. Please visit http//n3wg.com/hamlog for an example of how to import.

I will happily respond to feedback, entertain feature requests, and answer questions directly, please contact me at the email address listed on n3wg.com or QRZ.

Please visit www.n3wg.com for a full set of screenshots.

Field Day Logging Info
Sections logged include Date/time,Mode, Band, Callsign, Class, Section, Operator, Comment
Exporting Exporting logs from the Field Day tool is via e-mail in the form of a CSV file that any spreadsheet program can open.
Dup Detection The app does the standard dup detection you would see in a PC/Mac based app. There is no inter-device dup detection. Dup detection between devices is an exercise left to the exported spreadsheet application of choice.
iPad Specifics Sections worked are shown vs sections not worked for each zone.
NOTE While I try my best to ensure this Field Day logger is fault tolerant, I can make no guarantees or warranties. Please test and become familiar with it before using it live during Field Day.



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