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iReconcile Lite


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iReconcile Lite

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"Keep your finances in check!" with iReconcile™, the most advanced finance management application on the AppStore. Based on the top selling finance app Checkbook, iReconcile™ brings features never seen before in its genre.

iReconcile is now fully compatible with iPad. 1 download = iPhone and iPad!

Lite = 25 transaction max. For unlimited transactions, download the full version.


★ Retina display (iPhone 4) and full iOS 5 compatible

★ Reports
Generate beautiful customizable reports
- Spending by category or payee
- Income by category or payee
- Profit & Loss
- Save report configurations
- Print/send reports as PDF

★ Budgets
The most customizable budgeting functionality on the AppStore.

★ Multiple accounts with custom groupings
Group and organize your accounts how it makes sense for you.

★ Auto-complete
Payees and Categories support autocomplete. Just start typing!

★ Split transactions
Split your transaction among several categories, keeping budgets and reports accurate.

★ Reconcile your transactions
Running balance and reconciled balance are easily visible.

★ Transfers between accounts
Transfer funds from one account to another in a single operation.

★ Search
Find transactions by their Payee or Category, and even edit them.

★ Memorized Transactions with Auto-Post
Save transactions you use often, and even schedule them to automatically post.

★ Display Customization
Choose how you want transactions and amounts to be displayed.

★ Export (CSV, QIF)
Export your data in formats common to most financial software.

★ In-App Video Tutorials
Watch tutorials right inside the app.

★ Pin Security
Secure iReconcile with a pin number.

★ Synchronization service (optional)
Keep multiple devices synchronized (see more below).

★ Backup service (optional)
Keep your data backed up and safe (see more below).

★ Beautiful, consistent, and intuitive user interface

SYNC FEATURES (Optional Add-on)
✓ Continuous automatic backup with full restore capabilities!
✓ Use iReconcile™ on multiple devices with automatic sync!
✓ Share one or more accounts with another user, with instant sync!
✓ Manage your iReconcile™ data on iReconcile.com through the Web Portal
✓ All syncing is done continuously and automatic over WiFi, Edge, or 3G networks
✓ Sync ALL your devices with ONE account!
✓ Free to try for 30 days, and only $1.99/month or $19.99/year after that

*Note Sync service is NOT required for app to function. All app features mentioned above work with or without the use of the synchronization services.

BACKUP FEATURES (Optional Add-on)
✓ Backup/restore over Edge/3G/WiFi
✓ No connection to computer required
✓ Automated backup reminders
✓ Restore iReconcile without restoring your entire device
✓ Move your data to another device
✓ Free to try for 30 days, and only $2.99 for 6 months, or $4.99 for a year after that

*Note Backup service is NOT required for the app to function. All app features mentioned above work with or without the use of the backup services

For support support@ireconcile.com
Email us with your concerns, as we cannot properly respond to issues posted in reviews. As always, comments and suggestions are welcome too!

Visit www.iReconcile.com for
● More App information
● Screenshots
● Video tutorials
● User Manual


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