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The Love Book


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The Love Book

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The Love Book app - The Guardian Best 20 Apps this week, recommended by Vogue, Elle, Telegraph, Mail and The Sunday Times.

Here are gorgeous words on love narrated by the award-winning actors Helena Bonham Carter, Tom Hiddleston, Damian Lewis, Gina Bellman and Helen McCrory.

The Love Book app is a new interactive anthology of timeless poems, short stories, quotes and letters, all inspired by that most noble (and most troublesome) of emotions love.

We are thrilled to announce that the app has reached Number 1 Top Paid App on the App Store Books section in 5 countries!

The Love Book interactive app invites you to read and hear great words on love and even record your own version to share across your social networks.

The actors read work from writers including William Shakespeare, J.K.Rowling, Emily Dickinson, Maya Angelou, Dorothy Parker and e e cummings.

The Love Book app is created by Allie Esiri, the co-founder and creator of the acclaimed iF Poems app (Apple’s All Time Favourite).

Illustrations by Kate Moross.
Technical development by Marc Wilson.

Download The Love Book now.


National Poetry Day say, "One of the best poetry apps weve ever used. Particularly good for Adrian Moles (male AND female) stuck for words to express themselves & their hopeless passions. Like having a little Cyrano de Bergerac on permanent stand-by in the palm of your hand."

Simply Wonderful! 5 star review
Version 1.1.0. - Aug 20, 2013

"This app is absolutely amazing. The simple design accents the beauty of each work making the seamless experience resonate with the reader/listener. Thank you for sharing your ingenious idea with the world!!" App Store

"Download the Love Book app and hear the best poems and prose read by some of the best people in the history of people! It will expand minds." Twitter

"I feel like a piggy in a mudbath, bathing in the wonderful readings of Helena B-C, @lewisdamian, @twhiddleston a.o. Loving #thelovebook" Twitter

"My students are going to love this app as much as I do… They don’t know it yet, but it’s going to happen. ;-) #LoveBook" Twitter

"Favorite new app? The Love Book" Twitter

"Love that you have Tom Hiddleston read WH Audens "Funeral Blues" as that was my favourite Auden poem on the iF Poems app And the JK Rowling ones read by Helena are awesome! This will provide many hours of just listening & reading some of the greatest poetry out there. Thanks so much for making this available to us." Facebook

This new updated version works on both iOS6 and iOS7. Do please let us know (through our support page, www.iLiterature.net) if you do experience any glitches and we will do our utmost to rectify.


发表评论共有 6 条软件评论

高原散人 2013-08-16 00:36


艹小胖哥艹 2013-08-16 17:02


不二瑛 2013-08-16 23:20

但是Christina Rossetti的一首诗Song……一点开就闪退,试了无数次还是那样……那是我最喜欢的一首诗啊TAT

晨晨乐乐 2013-08-18 04:55


冰水之间 2013-08-19 10:44


蠢蠢欲懂 2013-08-20 10:15



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