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Weather Show HD


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Weather Show HD

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Weather Show is an ipad application program with functions of weather forecast, time and wallpaper, with another function of time interval greeting. and added miniweather,alarmclock for new version 1.4. The functions supported are given below

+++++++++++new version 1.4 add function+++++++++

Mini Weather sector
Added a weather mini bar.
if you up touch the main weather view is hidden and the miniWeather bar is show.
the miniweather show items
1.City name
2.Weathe icon (sun)
3.Current temperature value and low temperature value and hight temperature value
4.current datetime and week

Alarm clock sector

1. Support the multi-alarm clock configuration, no more than 64 in maximum

2. 40 built-in alarm sound effects, simple sound effects and light music included.

3. Support weekly repeated alarm clock configuration, and you need to start the weekly repetition time clocks in case of setting this alarm clock.

4. Support 2mintue - 30mintue snap setting

++++++++++++++++++++version 1.4 end +++++++++++++++

Wallpaper sector
1. Integrated 200 beautiful wallpaper
2. Support share function (save to PhotoAlbum, send email)
3. Support Save all pictures to PhotoAlbum.
4. Pictures Style CategoryLandscapes, animals, plants, creativity, stars and dream ...

Weather sector

1. Support the real-time weather information display, such as current temperature, minimum temperature and maximum temperature, large weather icon and climate description.

2. Support the real-time detailed information display, such as sensible temperature, humidity, wind speed, ultraviolet strength, sunset and sunrise time.

3. Support the last 5 days’ weather forecast, including date (week), small weather icon, maximum and minimum values and description.

4. Support the unit C and F conversion.

5. Support display or hiding of the weather information.

6. Support refreshing time configuration of the weather information 0.5-6 hours.

7. Display the time interval greeting views in case of failure of loading weather information.

8. Double click the weather view and switch into the time interval greeting view and vice versa.

Time sector

1. Support Date mode and Time mode

2. Support display or hiding of the year information.

3. Support display or hiding of the second information.

4. Support the 12-hour and 24-hour system conversion.

5. Support the time interval greeting (double click for switching into the weather view).

6. The main view bottom display all time information with the local time and date format.

7. The greeting view will display the time interval greeting (you can set the person’s name and title to be displayed).


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