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Ich war hier!


版 本:
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大 小:
2.8 MB
时 间:
语 言:
英语, 德文


Ich war hier!

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What ist "I was here!"?

Imagine, you are at a great location anywhere in the world and you would like to inform others about this great location and that you have been there. In the past, you left carvings in a tree or so.

Today, use your iPhone and leave a "Drop"!

Start "I was here!" app anywhere you are, enter a note and drop it! Thats it! Thats called a "Drop"!
Your "Drop" is connected with your current postion.

Everyone can see your Drop at its location. And you can see, who was there before you.

So, what are you waiting for? Tag the world! And tell the world about your favorite locations.



You can uses grouped Drops with you Friends now! Simply create a "Group-Tag" and drop all your items within this group. All your Drops will appear in this group only!


Facebook and Twitter Connect!

If you want, your Drops will show up in your Facebook or Twitter account. So all your friends can see your favorite locations.


What is the difference between Free and Premium Edition?

Using the Free Edition, you can take part in this fun completely! You can drop everything. You can use all filters, post comments, etc.

In addition, the Premium Edition brings you the opportunity to view images/videos, listen to audios and remove any drop.


Using the text filter feature, you can recover your messages! Simply Tag (maybe with a hashtag #NICKNAME) your messages and filter for this hashtag!


"I was here!" loads data dynamically and uses a limiter.
This means, if the current map zoom returns too many Drops, it will show the latest Drops only.
If you zoom in, all other Drops are loaded automatically.


✔ Drop notes, images, audios and videos
✔ Timeline
✔ Favorites
✔ Comments for each Drop
✔ Remove option
✔ Textfilter and Favoritefilter
✔ Facebook and Twitter Connect
✔ ...


This app uses the service of quoox|IWH


This app is COMPLETELY free! No extra charges via telephone bill etc.
Only if you choose to upgrade to the Premium Edition, you pay a ONE-TIME fee via your iTunes for upgrade. Nothing more.
NO extra charges, its completely free!


Found a bug? Ideas or suggestions?

We take great care in all our products and its reliability. With years of experience!
Nevertheless, if you found a bug or if you have any ideas or suggestions to make it better still, we would appreciate contacting us!
Unfortunately, we cannot react on reviews here in AppStore, so we would like to ask you contacting us via our website before posting bad reviews.


Copyright © MASP Software Solutions 2005-2010
All rights reserved.


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