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WAR GAMES : Battle Adventure HD


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WAR GAMES : Battle Adventure HD

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WAR GAMES Battle Adventure HD

An Epic HD CinePhotaic™ Experience

Military simulations, also known informally as war games, are simulations in which theories of warfare can be tested and refined without the need for actual hostilities. Many professional analysts object to the term wargames as this is generally taken to be referring to the civilian hobby, thus the preference for the term simulation.

Simulations exist in many different forms, with varying degrees of realism. In recent times, the scope of simulations has widened to include not only military but also political and social factors, which are seen as inextricably entwined in a realistic warfare model.

Whilst many governments make use of simulation, both individually and collaboratively, little is known about it outside professional circles. Yet modelling is often the means by which governments test and refine their military and political policies. Military simulations are seen as a useful way to develop tactical, strategical and doctrinal solutions, but critics argue that the conclusions drawn from such models are inherently flawed, due to the approximate nature of the models used.

WAR GAMES Battle Adventure HD is not a simulation… but a tribute to war gamers everywhere who enjoy looking at images of real war.

WAR GAMES Battle Adventure HD

"WAR GAMES is one of the greatest applications ever developed for a mobile device" ~ Sheldon Greenbaum

"You should download WAR GAMES Battle Adventure HD now! This is an app to die for ~ William S. Hatner

"…a real wonder, the best of its kind, maybe the best of any kind, of anything!" ~ Contance Trable

"Nothing else compares to this - a one of a kind out of mind experience!!!" ~ Winkie Washington

"Quit wasting time and download WAR GAMES now… your life is not complete without it" ~ Samson D. Lilah

Outstanding Features

CinePhotaic™ Image Processor
Projector Prime™
Gravity Motion Dynamic Engine (GMDE)
ExpandiMage Realtime Image Enlargement
SureStack - ADON Engine (Advanced Dynamic Oscillating Network)
QuandraPlay with dandiMation
B.U.M.P. Broadband Utility Masking Pulsatron
TouchMan Pro
GalleryWalk® Interactive Museum Experiencium

The above proprietary image toolset is couple with State-of-the-Art audio

Peakquilizer™ Midrange Dynamic Expander
NextMusic Song Technology
Mute and Go

Please email us with any requests, which we will do our best to integrate into the next update.

Thank you for downloading WAR GAMES Battle Adventure HD and your continued support, and positive comments - we really appreciate it.

Thanks to the programming / design / management team - Horace, Jennifer, Robert, Thomas, Wu Li, Anne, Kenneth, Tad, Louise, Natasha, Veronika, Willian, Benjamin, Zack, Erik, Redmond, Jeffrey, Heather, Geroge, Jonathan, Vincent, Samuel, Yvonne, Inga, Oliver, Morton, Freddy, Lanny, Carl, Wayne, Alberto, and Stephanie



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