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Plinkshot: Air Hockey Lite


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Plinkshot: Air Hockey Lite

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PlinkShot Air Hockey. The king of Air Hockey Games.
Welcome to PlinkShot Air Hockey, the slickest looking game in the AppStore! Lovingly crafted using the finest of pixels, this game is considered by many people to be the king of air hockey games. Don’t just take our word for it, check out this list of features

Physically accurate spark simulator.
Every time the PlinkShot puck hits a wall, an explosive shower of sparks cascades across the screen. But why do they look so badass? Because they are AWESOME, that’s why.

Real-time Puck.
Don’t waste your money on turn-based air hockey games. Play air hockey the way it’s meant to be played with a puck that leaves a hot, plasmic vapor-trail as it rips across the screen.

Multiple difficulty levels.
Want to relax and unwind? There’s a mode for that. …we’ve called it “Easy” mode. Want to test your skills against a computer controlled opponent that “thinks” for itself using sophisticated PlinkShot algorithms? …maybe you should try “Hard” mode. These modes and more are available in the Difficulty Menu.

Digital score display.
Need to know the score? Every copy of PlinkShot Air Hockey includes an astonishingly accurate digital score system. Each and every goal is recorded using high definition digits that are permanently displayed at the center of the screen.

“Plinky-glide” Paddles.
Do other air hockey games in the AppStore leave your fingers sore and throbbing? Don’t waste your money on expensive ointments and tinctures. Download PlinkShot Air Hockey and try our paddles with “Plinky-glide” technology built-in. Both paddles slide across the screen with ease.

Photo-realistic pause button.
Is that button real? Touch it and find out for yourself.

Multiple game modes.
Want to play against a pretend person? Just select “1 Player Mode” from the menu, and a pretend person will challenge you to a real game of air hockey. Want to play against a real person? Maybe you should unlock the “2 Player Mode” by downloading the full version of PlinkShot Air Hockey.

Specially commissioned soundtrack.
PlinkShot Air Hockey includes an audio track that quite literally sends vibrating waves of sound through the air. Turn the volume up, and you’ll be able to detect the sound waves using your ears.



Here are some sentences in quotation marks…

“Anyone who sees PlinkShot Air Hockey in action will conclude that it really is the king of air hockey games…”

“One word Excellent Game…”

“PlinkShot Air Hockey has joined the likes of Plants vs. Zombies and Angry Birds as an app that’s available on the Appstore…”

“Those sparks are AWESOME…”

“Glow Hockey doesn’t do it for me anymore, not since I tried PlinkShot Air Hockey…”





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