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Indonesia Map HD


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Indonesia Map HD

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Worlds favorite Indonesia offline navigation app ★ All Indonesia city offline maps are included ★All Indonesia city subway and rail maps are available ★ Using Vector Maps technique to offer you a very small size app and make you can easily view map details in any zoom level without an Internet connection ★ With GPS localization, map search, points of interest, and bookmarking.★ Indonesian dictionary is supplied to travelers!

★★★ Highest resolution & smallest size in the Store ★★★
You could easily view this map just like use a google map. This app’s size is appropriate - at the same time more zoom levels and map detail! You don’t need to download any city map data in this app and don’t need to choose a city before you want to view. This is a whole country map.

★★★ Own all Indonesia traffic maps as a whole – no extra charge ★★★

✚ view maps offline, without an Internet connection
✚ Subway and railway maps are available.
✚ Find your location with GPS
✚ Search street names and points of interest in offline mode ( you can choose an area by selecting city or use a country wide)
✚ Bookmark or pin places of interest
✚ Indonesian dictionary is included for travelers.
✚ Beautiful map views are offered. When you open this app, you will see a very beautiful map which is better than general maps you have seen.

Once you installed this app, you will no longer need an Internet or WiFi connection. You will avoid inconveniences when travelling by using the maps anytime and everywhere you want – in your hometown or on the road!

Map data and POI are provided by OpenStreetMap. Similar to Wikipedia, this data is user-generated and offers far more information than simple street maps. To see the quality of the map data and POIs, visit www.openstreetmap.org.

Note When you first view a place in map, it will be slow cause rendering the map, but it will be very fast when you view this place again because of our cache system.

Note When you first view a place in map, it will be slow cause rendering the map, but it will be very fast when you view this place again because of our cache system.

Need help ? Mail us mobsongps@gmail.com
we can help you within days.


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