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Croatia POI


版 本:
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17.5 MB
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语 言:
克罗地亚文, 匈牙利文, 德文, 波兰文, 英文


Croatia POI

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Ova aplikacija Vam pomaže da jednostavno pronađete

✧ Banke i bankomate
✧ Benzinske postaje
✧ Prijevoz
✧ Zdravstvene ustanove i ljekarne
✧ Markete
✧ Restorane i lance brze prehrane
✧ Trgovine
✧ Bežične pristupne točke
✧ Sportske kladionice
✧ Osiguravajuće kuće
✧ Turističke kampove
✧ Kioske
✧ Pošte

Svaki objekt odnosno točka interesa sadrži i dodatne informacije kao što su adresa, telefon, radno vrijeme, URL, e-mail, sliku i neke specifičnosti.

Trenutno aplikacija sadrži više od 10000 opisanih objekata u lokalnoj bazi.

Ako se uređaj spaja na internet, aplikacija prikazuje i točke interesa iz popularnih geolokacijskih servisa
- Gowalla
- Panoramio
- Webcams.travel

Prikaz "Dopunjene stvarnosti" je moguć za uređaje koji imaju integriran kompas. Uređaj se koristi kao kamera pri čemu se objekti iz realno svijeta nadopunjavaju sa informacijama iz baze.

Moguće je poslati mapu sa prikazanim točkama interesa Vašim prijateljima putem e-maila. Također je moguće poslati i detaljne informacije o odabranoj točki interesa.

Autori su se potrudili da točke interesa sdrži precizne informacije i da budu na točnim zemljopisnim koordinatama. Netočni podaci mogu se na jednostavan način prijaviti autorima direktno iz aplikacije.

The Croatia POI helps You to find nearby points of interest. The locations are stored in local OFFLINE database and grouped into following categories

✧ Banks and ATMs
- Zagrebačka Banka
- Raiffeisen Bank
- Erste Bank
- OTP Bank
- Splitska Banka
- Hrvatska Poštanska Banka
- Hypo Alpe Adria Bank
- Partner Banka

✧ Gas stations
- Tifon

✧ Transport
- Airports
- Railway stations

✧ Health
- Hospitals
- Pharmacies

✧ Markets
- Konzum
- Drogerie Markt
- Mercator
- Kerum
- Plodine
- Billa
- Lidl
- Muller
- Diona
- Tommy
- Kaufland
- Interspar

✧ Food and beverages
- Restorani24x6
- McDonalds

✧ Shops
- Office shoes

✧ Technology
- Computers shops

✧ Free Wireless
- Iskon hotspots
- T-Com hotspots

✧ Sports betting
- SuperSport

✧ Insurance companies
- Euroherc

✧ Tourism
- Camps

✧ Kiosks

✧ Pošte
- Hrvatske pošte

✧ Users
- Reported locations

Each POI has some of these informations name, address, phone, work time, coordinates, URL, e-mail, image and some data specific for POI category.

There are more than 10000 described locations in local database.

In ONLINE mode, this application displays the POIs collected from popular geolocation services
- Gowalla
- Panoramio

The "Augmented reality" mode is enabled for devices with integrated compass. You can use device as camera and nearby POIs will be displayed over the camera view.

You are able to send the map with current and surrounding locations to Your friends via e-mail.
Also, You can send the e-mail with POI details.

Authors give their best to get as much as possible accurate geo locations of each POI. If some POI has inconsistent data it can be emailed directly from application. It will be appreciated and data will be corrected for the next application update.

For any questions or problems, feel free to contact us via contact email.

CONTACT croatia.poi@gmail.com

LANGUAGES Croatian, English, German


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