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my Tax - Comprehensive Australian Income Tax Calcu


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my Tax - Comprehensive Australian Income Tax Calcu

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Wanting a quick and easy way to calculate your Australian tax liabilities? Tried to do it online but there is too many places to go or you couldnt get internet service to use them? Tried other tax apps from the app store and they only do part of the job, or even worse give the wrong result? my Tax is the app for you!

my Tax has been developed by an Australian Chartered Accountant for your Australian iPhone. my Tax can be used to calculate
- Annual personal tax liability (including HELP, tax withheld, medicare levy and low income rebate) for 2009, 2010 & 2011
- Period PAYG Withholding (weekly, fortnightly and monthly) including HELP, leave loading and tax free threshhold for 2010
- The benefit of salary sacrificing a vehicle using the statutory method or logbook method
- The benefit of salary sacrificing superannuation
- Goods and Services Tax (GST) based on an entered GST exclusive or inclusive amount and allowing for any GST free amounts
- Fringe Benefits Tax (FBT) payable based on entered Type 1 and Type 2 total benefit amounts
- Loan calculator to work out the amount of a loan repayment, the remaining number of payments or the amount you can borrow based on other information entered.
- Key tax rates summary for quick access to tax rates you need on the go
- my Pay calculator to work out what you will get paid for the week.
- BAS Calculator - enter your cashbook or GST report information and this will show you what figures to include on your BAS
- Capital Gains Tax (CGT) calculator for individuals to work out the extra tax you will pay if you sell your shares, investment property or other capital asset for a profit.

Other features include
- Ability to generate PDF reports (touch and hold the my Tax icon on the iPhone, or through utilities on the iPad)
- Print reports directly from your device to supported printers for devices running iOS 4.2 or higher *New Version 4.3*
- 3 great themes
- customisable tabs to put your four most used calculators on the main screen
- your last tab position is remembered
- touch on the myTax icon on each screen to get more information and limitations of each calculator
- touch and hold on the myTax Australia icon on each calculator to get options to email a screenshot of the calculator, access a calculator, generate PDF reports, email the developer a suggestion or review myTax on iTunes.

As an accountant i am using the app in my daily work whilst on the phone and out visiting clients.

You too can use it whether your an individual looking to work out your tax or the benefits of salary sacrifice, a bookkeeper working out GST for data entry through to an accountant dealing with clients.

Why wait, pay that little bit extra and get the comprehensive Australian Tax Application for your iPhone that works.

✫✫✫ my Tax is a preferred business application for small business owners on Kochies Business Builders website 17.12.2009 ✫✫✫

The iPad version will be developed significantly over the coming months.

Future Plans

I plan to actively develop this application as i am using it daily at my workplace. Whilst every effort has been made to make it completely accurate through thorough testing, it is possible there are some small mistakes. Please email mytaxapp@gmail.com with any issues or enhancement requests or themes you would like included.


Extreme care has been taken to ensure the calculator gives accurate results. However, calculations should be considered indicative only and professional advice sought specific to your circumstances.



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